White Flag | Four Seasons Hotel, Carlingford

White Flag Award

4FIT Leisure are aiming to achieve the White Flag award this year. The White Flag award is an independently audited award recognised through out the leisure industry, endorsed by Failte Ireland and the Irish Hotels Federation. The White Flag award is an industry standard for Leisure and health clubs across Ireland for which the criteria is very tough. The White Flag award highlights to our customers, staff and the general public that our club is committed to achieving the highest standards of quality in the Leisure industry. The criteria covers 4 main areas: Safety, Hygiene, Customer engagement and Human Resources (HR)

Child Welfare and Protection Procedures

4FIT Leisure accepts that organizations, which include young people among its members, are vulnerable to the occurrence of child abuse. Below are the procedures for dealing with any welfare or protection issue that may arise. Child welfare and the protection of young people is the concern of all adults at all times, irrespective of their role within the organization.

You should react to all concerns. If persons are unsure about whether or not certain behaviors are abusive, they are therefore reportable. Grounds for Concern include a specific indication from a child, a statement from a person who witnessed abuse or an illness, injury or behavior consistent with abuse. A report may be made by any member in the centre, but should be passed on to the Designated Leisure Person. Child Protection Officers are Theresa Lamoh (Female Officer) & DLS Ciaran Clarke (Male Officer) & Deputy DLS PJ Malone who may in turn have to pass the concern to the local authorities.

It is not the responsibility of anyone working within 4FIT Leisure in a paid or voluntary capacity, or those working in the Four Seasons Hotel, Carlingford, to take responsibility or decide whether or not a child abuse is or has taking place. That is the job of the local authorities. However, there is a responsibility to protect children by assisting the appropriate authorities so that they can then make enquiries and take any necessary action to protect the young person involved. Everyone should follow both procedures outlined below, firstly the procedure for responding to a child in distress and secondly the procedure for reporting the concern.

Disability Access

We have disability parking at the front entrance, steps & railing into the pool and disability changing rooms. 

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